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2736-2BerserkerAxe Replacement Handle


Berserker™ Axe Replacement Handle} vertical profile
Are you a brute and your untamed chopping power broke your CRKT® Berserker™ handle? No problem. We have the replacement handle for your CRKT® T-Hawk right here. This Tennessee hickory handle is the replacement handle for the Beserker™, Woods Chogan™ T-Hawk, Woods Nobo™ T-Hawk and the Woods Kangee™ T-hawk. It's made in the USA, twice burned and buffed to add grip when you're in the backcountry.
  • Well Built Made in the USA
  • Durable Tennessee Hickory is a dense material that withstands hard use
  • Replacement handle for 2730, 2730K, 2730KS, 2730S, 2732, 2735