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9915Big Boy DriverTool


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The perfect blend of tenderness and torque.

Don’t let its small size fool you—the Big Boy Driver packs a serious punch. With an included adapter that transitions from quarter-inch to four-millimeter bits, it’s easy to switch from bigger takedown jobs to precision work on delicate gadgets or the tiny screws on your favorite EDC. The smooth ball-bearing spinner makes quick work of any task, and a magnetized driver tip secures bits no matter their size. Whether hanging shelves or fine tuning the action on your folder, the Big Boy Driver offers the perfect balance of tenderness and torque.
  • Smooth Operation Ball bearing spinner in the driver enables quick take down or assembly of parts
  • Easy and Secure Magnet in driver tip secures driver bit
  • Precision Utility 4mm micro bit adapter included for precision work
  • Compact Utility Driver easily fits in your hand allowing more control for precision work
  • Maximum Control Textured aluminum driver for grip

Always tinkering and seeking new ways to improve existing designs, Joe Wu got his start in product design with Scout Leather Co. by making products from personal necessity and experience. He’s been taking his ideas and honing his shop skills over the last few years by using traditional methods with a modern approach. His designs and ideas are driven by simplicity and the user experience; good design doesn’t have to be complicated.