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9911 Hex Bit Driver Tool Roll


 Hex Bit Driver  Tool Roll} vertical profile
 Hex Bit Driver  Tool Roll profile horizontal
 Hex Bit Driver  Tool Roll angled tip
 Hex Bit Driver  Tool Roll angled back
Roll it up and take it to go.

When you’re far from your bench and your everyday carry is begging for some maintenance, the Hex Bit Driver Tool Roll is designed to be on hand for a quick fix. This compact but mighty tool roll is equipped to hold up to 13 bits and two drivers (it ships with one driver) so you’ll never be caught with a dirty EDC.
  • Smooth Operation Ball bearing spinner in the driver enables quick take down or assembly of parts
  • Easy and Secure Magnet in driver tip secures driver bit
  • Compact Utility Driver easily fits in your hand allowing more control for precision work
  • Maximum Control Textured brass driver for grip
  • Convenient Carry Leather tool roll holds up to two drivers
  • Versatile Utility Holds up to 13 bits - ships with T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T15, T20, PH1, PH2, PH3, 1.0x6mm, 0.8x5.5mm, 0.6x4.5mm
Joe Wu portrait

DesignerJoe WuMountain View, CA

Always tinkering and seeking new ways to improve existing designs, Joe Wu got his start in product design with Scout Leather Co. by making products from personal necessity and experience. He’s been taking his ideas and honing his shop skills over the last few years by using traditional methods with a modern approach. His designs and ideas are driven by simplicity and the user experience; good design doesn’t have to be complicated.

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