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TPENWKWilliams Defense PenAluminum

2 options


Williams Defense Pen Aluminum} vertical profile
Williams Defense Pen Aluminum profile horizontal
Williams Defense Pen Aluminum angled tip
Williams Defense Pen Aluminum angled back
Williams Defense Pen Aluminum angled feature highlight
Williams Defense Pen Aluminum angled feature highlight
Williams Defense Pen Aluminum angled feature highlight


Black / Aluminum Handle

Former Army officer and martial arts instructor, James Williams applied his design expertise to the Williams Tactical Pen. For those of you familiar with the Hissatsu™ and the Hisshou™, this new James Williams design is sure to be a welcome addition to your defensive edged tools.
  • Discreet Convenience Low profile writing pen
  • Strong And Lightweight Aluminum handle combines strength with minimal weight
  • Minimizes Reflectivity Bead blast finish reduces reflection
  • Write Anywhere Ink cartridge developed for extreme environmental conditions
James Williams portrait

DesignerJames WilliamsVass, North Carolina

You don’t want to mess with Sensei James Williams. A former U.S. Army officer with more than 50 years of experience in the martial arts, he developed The System of Strategy. It’s a unique approach to unarmed combat that he teaches to Special Operations units and law enforcement worldwide. When he is armed, though, you’ll find him brandishing blades he’s created, like the Hisshou® and Hissatsu™ fixed blades, the Shizuka noh Ken™, and the now-legendary Hissatsu™ folder.

Designer Bio