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2736BerserkerAxeOutdoor Camp Axe


Berserker™ Axe} vertical profile
Berserker™ Axe profile horizontal
Berserker™ Axe angled tip
Berserker™ Axe angled back
Berserker™ Axe angled feature highlight
Berserker™ Axe angled feature highlight
A battle cry in axe form.

Get a glance of the Berserker™ /bur-zur-kr/ Viking-style axe and you know trouble’s coming; if you’re an unsplit round, that is. The long cutting edge of the bearded axe blade is a powerful companion for big-swing jobs, fine slicing, and everything in between.
  • Forged Tough 1055 carbon steel provides durability and edge retention
  • Enhanced Protection Manganese Phosphate coating improves corrosion resistance
  • Durable Tennessee Hickory is a dense material that withstands hard use
  • More Than Chop Beard on axe head tackles many useful cutting tasks
Ryan Johnson portrait

DesignerRyan JohnsonChattanooga, Tennessee

The fireplace is never without wood at the Johnson house. That's because for years at RMJ Tactical, Ryan has been building some of the finest custom tomahawks this country has ever seen. Applying modern engineering to centuries-old tool and weapon concepts, he redefined the role of tomahawks in Law Enforcement and Special Forces Military Applications.

Designer Bio