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5420 Bot Deadbolt®Assisted Opening EDC Pocket Knife


 Bot  Deadbolt®} vertical profile
 Bot  Deadbolt® profile horizontal
 Bot  Deadbolt® angled tip
 Bot  Deadbolt® angled back
 Bot  Deadbolt® angled feature highlight
 Bot  Deadbolt® angled feature highlight
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Like an extension of your hand.

Flavio Ikoma made the Bot to be the knife you reach for instinctively and use effortlessly. Designed to feel as natural in your hand as possible, it plugs into your subconscious, giving you immediate feedback and precise, almost automated control. And it’s built for speed, with Assisted Opening and IKBS™ bearings to propel the blade smoothly into position, where it’s held securely in place by a powerful Deadbolt® lock.
  • Strong And Simple Deadbolt® lock provides incredible strength and it's easy to use
  • Assisted Opening Flipper deploys the blade fast
  • Smooth Opening IKBS™ ball bearing pivot deploys the blade smooth
  • Superior Performance AUS 10 blade provides durability and corrosion resistance
  • Exceptional Grip G10 handle provides exceptional grip in all conditions
  • Low Profile Deep carry clip rides low in the pocket
Flavio Ikoma portrait

DesignerFlavio IkomaPresidente Prudente, Brazil

Some kids dream of being a ballplayer. Flavio wanted to be a knifemaker. In his adolescence, he worked on knives of the Japanese sword variety in his father’s shop. He has gone on to learn metallurgy, to work with Ken Onion, and to become a force for innovation. Not only has Flavio brought to market the revolutionary IKBS™ ball bearing pivot system (with Rick Lala), but he also showed the world that there’s impressive strength in simplicity with his game-changing Deadbolt® innovation.

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