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5151DaktylSlide LockFolding EDC Pocket Knife


Daktyl™ Slide Lock} vertical profile
Daktyl™ Slide Lock profile horizontal
Daktyl™ Slide Lock angled tip
Daktyl™ Slide Lock angled back
Daktyl™ Slide Lock angled feature highlight
Daktyl™ Slide Lock angled feature highlight
Daktyl™ Slide Lock angled feature highlight
Video Thumbnail
Look familiar? It should.

The Daktyl™ non-traditional pocket knife is seriously bare bones; we’re talking phalanges here. It’s named after a finger for a reason: set it in motion with one quick action and watch the jaws drop.
  • Unique function Hole In One® innovation to open and close
  • Minimizes Reflectivity Bead blast finish reduces reflection
  • Unique lock Slide lock innovation secures the blade
  • Ultimate Durability Stainless steel handle withstands hard use

Tom Hitchcock of Talent, Oregon, is a custom knife and hand tool designer with many products to his credit. He has been designing knives and combination hand tools since 1979. He is a prize-winning sculptor, and a professional inventor. His other interests include building custom bicycles, permaculture, and appropriate technology. "Much of my knife making inspiration has come from Nature. My mentors in learning about the knifemaking industry include Matt Conable, and Jim Whers, who both were very generous with their time and knowledge. I was also very inspired by Ed Halligan and the simplicity and elegance of his knife designs. Albert Einstein said to make things as simple as you can and no simpler, and this was the idea behind the Hole in One and Daktyl™ folding knives. I wanted to build a side-opening knife that was simple, versatile, completely unique in its form and function, yet very practical, safe, fun and easy to use."