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1105KEndorserAssistedAssisted Opening EDC Pocket Knife


Endorser™ Assisted} vertical profile
Endorser™ Assisted profile horizontal
Endorser™ Assisted angled tip
Endorser™ Assisted angled back
Endorser™ Assisted angled feature highlight
Endorser™ Assisted angled feature highlight
Video Thumbnail
Here's one of those knives that is real tough to pass up, thanks to a solid "no nonsense" design.

Need a new knife to call your "ol' reliable"? This straight forward folding knife is both fundamentally sound and physically fit for today's knife enthusiasts.

We put the utility driven, drop-point blade shape into a progressively functional handle design complete with finger grooves and slight palm swell. Handles are G10 with blackened stainless steel liners.
  • Fast Opening Outburst® assisted opening deploys the blade fast
  • Safe And Secure Safety integrated thumbstud prevents accidental opening
  • Enhanced Protection Black coating improves corrosion resistance
Matthew Lerch portrait

DesignerMatthew LerchSussex, Wisconsin

What happens when you cross art and mechanics? You get something that looks like Matthew Lerch. Trained initially as a jeweler/watchmaker, he progressed into manufacturing and tool making. Now he has a few patents under his belt for innovations, like the Fire Safe®, and has been honored with some prestigious awards including the Buster Warenski award. Matt views knives as functional art, as evidenced in his Moxie™ and Blade Show award-winning Endorser™ design.

Designer Bio