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2742KukFixedFixed Blade Outdoor Survival Knife


Kuk™ Fixed} vertical profile
Kuk™ Fixed profile horizontal
Kuk™ Fixed angled tip
Kuk™ Fixed angled back
Kuk™ Fixed angled feature highlight
Your basic outdoor utility knife. If you’re a badass Gurkha warrior.

Designer Ryan Johnson of RMJ Tactical is no stranger to archaeologically-significant edged tools; his parents gifted him an antique Kukri knife when he was just ten years old. He’s been refining his aesthetic taste and design skill ever since. The culmination of his passion and hard work: The KUK™. Over the top? That’s just how we like it.
  • Strong And Durable 65Mn carbon steel is tough and holds and edge well
  • Powerful Cutting Kukri blade style provides powerful cutting
  • Secure And Comfortable Injection molded handle with texture for grip
  • Built Tough Woven nylon sheath is lightweight and durable
Ryan Johnson portrait

DesignerRyan JohnsonChattanooga, Tennessee

The fireplace is never without wood at the Johnson house. That's because for years at RMJ Tactical, Ryan has been building some of the finest custom tomahawks this country has ever seen. Applying modern engineering to centuries-old tool and weapon concepts, he redefined the role of tomahawks in Law Enforcement and Special Forces Military Applications.

Designer Bio