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2906Otanashi Noh KenFrame LockFolding Tactical Knife


Otanashi Noh Ken™ Frame Lock} vertical profile
Otanashi Noh Ken™ Frame Lock profile horizontal
Otanashi Noh Ken™ Frame Lock angled tip
Otanashi Noh Ken™ Frame Lock angled back
More Than a Knife, It’s a Threat Extinguisher.

A large folding tactical knife with our manual safety innovation, it’s specifically designed for one reason: to say sayonara to any evil that comes your way in close quarter battle environments.

The Otanashi noh Ken™ is designed by the venerable James Williams of Encinitas, CA. A veteran and martial arts practitioner/instructor, he knows cutlery—especially the tactical variety. In fact, his knife designs have quickly become mainstays within the military Special Forces and tactical Law Enforcement communities across the globe. So when SOCOM needed a larger, thinner, folding combat knife that was easy to carry and conceal, Williams answered the call.
  • Maximum depth Clip point blade style for deep penetration
  • Brute Strength Frame lock utilizes a thick lock bar to secure the blade
  • Exceptional Grip G10 handle provides grip in all conditions
James Williams portrait

DesignerJames WilliamsVass, North Carolina

You don’t want to mess with Sensei James Williams. A former U.S. Army officer with more than 50 years of experience in the martial arts, he developed The System of Strategy. It’s a unique approach to unarmed combat that he teaches to Special Operations units and law enforcement worldwide. When he is armed, though, you’ll find him brandishing blades he’s created, like the Hisshou® and Hissatsu™ fixed blades, the Shizuka noh Ken™, and the now-legendary Hissatsu™ folder.

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