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6280OverlandFrame LockFolding EDC Pocket Knife


Overland™ Frame Lock} vertical profile
Overland™ Frame Lock profile horizontal
Overland™ Frame Lock angled tip
Overland™ Frame Lock angled back
Overland™ Frame Lock angled feature highlight
Overland™ Frame Lock angled feature highlight
Video Thumbnail
The knife version of a 4x4.

Inspired by the aesthetic of the classic crawling vehicle, the Overland™ outdoor folding knife is crafted to go off road. No matter if your camp kitchen is on a flat rock miles from anywhere or a picnic bench in the park, this knife is perfectly suited for slicing the campfire-charred sirloin.
  • Easy To Sharpen High carbon stainless steel blade takes an edge well
  • Easy Opening Thumb stud allows for fast opening with one hand
  • Comfortable Elevated handle in relation to the blade conducive to flat surface cutting
  • Visual Appeal Orange anodized pivot ring and backspacer accents
T.J. Schwarz portrait

DesignerT.J. SchwarzBoise, Idaho

TJ was destined to be a car designer. In high school he discovered his uncanny ability to draw cars—in fact, he was so good at it that by the time he was in college, he was accepting commissions from classic car owners. Just as his career was starting down the automotive path, his good friend Bill Koenig of Koenig Knives intervened and everything shifted. Once he got a taste of knife design, he never looked back. So when he says, “engineered for performance,” he means it.

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