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2082SiwiFixedFixed Blade Tactical Knife


Siwi™ Fixed} vertical profile
Siwi™ Fixed profile horizontal
Siwi™ Fixed angled tip
Siwi™ Fixed angled back
Siwi™ Fixed angled feature highlight
Siwi™ Fixed angled feature highlight
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Built by a hero, refined by an expert.

Retired Sergeant Major Darrin Sirois channeled experience from 25 years of active duty into the creation of his original design. The knife world loved it. Then, renowned expert Chris Williams made several small suggestions. The revisions boosted the SiWi™ compact tactical fixed blade into a league all its own. This is collaboration at its finest.

Darrin Sirois's charity of choice for this knife is the Purple Heart Homes.

Established in 2016, the Forged by War® program spearheaded a collaboration between CRKT and Veterans, inviting real life warriors to apply their knowledge and experience to design a specialty line of mission-ready knives and tools. In addition to receiving commission on their designs, a portion of the profits are donated to the Veterans’ charity of choice. CRKT is proud to offer this dedicated collection to support the participating charities on a national level.

  • High performance steel SK5 carbon steel holds an edge well
  • Compact size Easy to carry
  • Enhanced Protection Black coating improves corrosion resistance
  • Exceptional Grip G10 handle provides exceptional grip in all conditions
  • Gear Compatible Durable thermoplastic sheath with mounting options
Darrin William Sirois portrait

DesignerDarrin William SiroisFayetteville, North Carolina

Coming from a Special Ops background, Darrin doesn’t design knives that just work in theory. They need work in action too. And he knows the missing element to any great blade: human input. That’s why you’ll often find him hounding his Special Operations teammates and asking them what they like and don’t like about their knives. Now as part of the Forged by War™ program he’s fine-tuning until his knife-making mission is complete. Along the way, he’s earning nods from awards shows and fellow soldiers all around the world.

Designer Bio