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LarryFischerBoise, Idaho
An avid traditional bowhunter, outdoorsman, and conservationist, Larry’s no nonsense approach to all he endeavored was readily apparent in everything he did. Larry served on the National Board of Directors for Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, was a lifetime member and past president of the Professional Bowhunters Society, and was an active member of Traditional Bowhunters of Montana and Traditional Archers of Oregon. Larry lost his courageous battle with cancer before his first design, the Hunt’N Fisch™ made it to market. His useful, multi-purpose design lives on in tribute of Larry's active life and a testament to his design acumen. 100% of the net profits of this knife go to the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network in memory of Larry Fischer.
Hunt’N Fisch™ Fixed
Available in 1 option